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Epigenetics and Alzheimer’s disease

Epigenetics is hot! Epigenetics is the study of the changes in the expression of organisms caused by the modification of genetic expression rather than alteration of DNA itself. Epigenetics can be used to optimize wellness potential or in the custom prevention and the custom treatment of disease. No better example for epigenetics and disease exists […]

Smart Foods to Help You Focus and Boost Productivity by Cody Larson

You’ve no doubt heard the old saying “You are what you eat.” Well, recent medical research has highlighted links between diet and improved mental functioning, raising the distinct possibility that, in fact, “You think what you eat.”

That could be encouraging news for youngsters diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), seniors struggling with the onset of dementia and anyone who desires to think more clearly and focus for longer periods of time.

Lots of foods are rich in the vitamins and other nutrients that can boost cognitive functioning, some which are well-known and others that are less-familiar. Among them: