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You Recovered from COVID-19…now what?

In 2020, we were focused on prevention, by boosting our immune system and following other guidelines to limit potential exposure, and early intervention for COVID- 19.  We have continued to update our immune boosting strategies, but the foundation has stayed the same.  Everyone should be on Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc.  Other supplements and treatments are on the list which is readily available at our office.


As we end 2020 and head into 2021, our goal is to help restore energy and well-being in those who were previously infected and are processing back to normal .  Some patients are reporting varying degrees of insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, and lingering respiratory symptoms, and other symptoms that some in the medical field have referred to as the “Covid-19 Long Haul Syndrome”.  As I research new information on COVID – these appear to be common all over the world.


The good news is that Forum Health Knoxville has many unique resources to help overcome some of these symptoms.  Whether you are a patient here or have a friend experiencing post-Covid exhaustion, etc., we would love to offer you some strategies that may help in your journey.


Forum Health Knoxville has a new inclusive package which includes a brief office visit along with a series of four vitamin IV treatments and Glutathione to boost immunity and improve energy levels.


In addition, we may also recommend a personalized precision test through urine for mitochondrial energy/detoxification issues/deficiencies in glutathione and Vitamin C as well as gut health.  Your test results will be explained at a follow up visit with specific treatment plan recommendation.


Whether you are in the prevention stage, early infection stage, or post Covid stage there are so many things you can do to improve your health!  Give us a call today for more information.  Our resolution for 2021 is to live better – not just stay alive.


Want more information? get in touch with us.

