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Shedding Pounds After 40: Sustainable Weight Loss for Women


Are you 40 or over struggling to lose weight and feel your best? You’re not alone. As we age, our metabolism slows down, hormone levels decrease, and weight loss becomes more difficult and frustrating.  In this webinar, Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC and Traci Eliszewski, NP will explore the challenges that come with losing weight as you […]

The Multifunction Cardiogram™ Scan: A Breakthrough in Early Detection of Heart Disease


Cardiovascular health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet it often takes the onset of symptoms—or even a heart attack—for many individuals to seek medical assistance. Shockingly, approximately 30% of heart attacks occur silently, without any noticeable symptoms. Even more alarming is the fact that over 50% of cardiac-related deaths are the result of […]

Having Side Effects During a Detox?


Detoxing Too Fast Just as toxins can cause problems when entering your body, they can cause similar issues on their way out. If you detox too fast, or without the right support, you may reabsorb some old bacteria, toxins, and other decomposing chemicals. Why? It’s a tortoise vs the hare situation. The tortoise, in this […]

The Question on Everyone’s Mind. Where Can I Buy Semaglutide in Knoxville?


Semaglutide: What It Is, Where to Buy It in Knoxville, and How It Works Are you struggling to lose weight despite making significant lifestyle changes? Semaglutide, originally a diabetes medication, has emerged as a fast and effective weight-loss solution for people with weight loss resistance.  You may have heard of celebrities that are taking it, […]

Dear New Year’s Resolution–it was nice while it lasted.

      Dear New Year’s Resolutions,   It was nice while it lasted.   Sincerely,   February   Now that we are 31 days and counting into 2017, many of us are admitting defeat in our list of resolutions.   Excuses are as varied as the initial intentions.  The dryer shrunk my jeans, there’s […]

Tis the Season for Lighting up Your Nucleus Accumbens

    It is estimated that Americans consume 22 teaspoons of sugar a day.  Studies have shown that sugary, processed foods trigger a special region in the brain called the nucleus accumbens.  This is the pleasure center which when activated can lead to addictions.   In other words, once this pathway is stimulated, the intoxication […]

Embracing the “C” word (no, not that one)

  Sometimes Nurse Practitioners who practice wellness get a personal wake up call.  After a recent phone call, I was immediately transported back 20 years ago when I received an almost identical call.  Both times, I understood the information.  Both times, I instantly denied the information.  But each time, reality seeped into every adrenaline soaked […]

Testosterone Quagmire

“Men are from Mars and women are from Venus” —John Gray PhD   Women and men are very different.  The concept seems fairly easy to grasp.  Most get it.  It seems obvious.  Even the science supports it.  However, this point seems to escape most in Medicine today.   The perfect example of this biochemical difference […]

An Apple a Day? Healthy Choices vs. Inflammation

My pre-60th birthday journey to improve my previous test results from Seasons of Farragut continues! This month I decided to focus on the first tenet in our Forum Health Knoxville wellness regimen – nutrition!


About two years ago I took the ALCAT test and was astonished at my lengthy list of reactive foods! The ALCAT is a fascinating food sensitivity test in which white blood cells are introduced to a variety of foods, chemicals, and herbs. The severity of the reaction determines if a substance is mild, moderate, severe, or normal within my body. Since knowledge is power, I decided to receive the news that gluten and dairy were on my “severe list” as a positive indicator rather than “buyers’ remorse” for having performed the test!


Lyn-Genet Recitas has written a book, The Plan, which explains how inflammation from food intolerance can cause symptoms such as joint pain, skin disorders, fatigue, weight issues, headaches, and digestive disorders. Whereas a food allergy can have almost an immediate effect, a food sensitivity may not show up for several hours to 3 days later. For weight gain, it’s not as much about the calories as the chemistry of the body. One person may benefit from last night’s salmon and broccoli, but someone else may actually gain 2 pounds. Inflammation from food intolerance causes damage to the lining of the gut. As the lining becomes “leaky” with gaps present, foods begin to slip through not completely digested. This causes the body to attack undigested foods.


As we age, inflammation can increase which causes our systems to slow down. Many of us have much less stomach acid and digestive enzymes to break down food. This can ultimately alter our weight and our health. Reactive foods cause our bodies to produce more histamine which causes water retention via dilated capillaries. The brain responds by increasing the production of Cortisol. As more Cortisol is produced, fewer sex hormones are produced since both sets of hormones depend on the same building blocks. Increased Cortisol causes an increase in glucose which causes an increase in blood sugar! This domino effect alters the good bacteria in the gut and can increase yeast production. The altered gut flora leads to a weakened immune response since about 70% of our immune system is in the gut.

Record Highs Noted this Summer!

The outside thermostats are definitely rising this summer. But the heat outside shouldn’t mean sudden bursts of “personal” heat, otherwise known as hot flashes!


Oddly enough, I have personally experienced fewer hot flashes when I am at the beach! Is that a strange but true fact? Indeed it is. But there is a great explanation. It’s not the outdoor temperature which contributes to those hot flashes, it’s actually Cortisol fluctuations that wreak havoc on our internal thermostat.


Many women are surprised to discover that their saliva tests indicate significant imbalance with their adrenal glands. These tiny glands located right above each kidney secrete a number of hormones to help the body deal with stress. Cortisol is commonly called the “stress hormone” due to its involvement in your response to stressful situations.


Adrenal fatigue from chronic stressors such as blood sugar imbalance, inflammation, insomnia, as well as emotional issues can manifest itself through intense hot flashes and/or night sweats. Unless Cortisol levels are measured, it’s difficult to treat because both high and low levels can have the same symptoms. Healthy adrenal glands significantly improve a sense of well-being!


Telomere Testing: What’s Your Real Age?

This past Wednesday, I finally did it. I rolled up my sleeve and had my blood drawn for Telomere testing!


The needle stick was inconsequential to me since I routinely get serum lab tests and also nutritional IV therapies. Just as I counsel and plan with all of my patients regarding everything from thyroid to toxic metals, I also devise my own therapies to correct, tweak, and improve my health markers. I have had my own major challenges, so I know personally that initial gut reaction to lab results!


However, Telomere testing kicks it up a notch regarding true aging. Telomeres are sections of DNA at the end of every chromosome that serve as a cap to your genetic material. Think of them as the small plastic strands on the end of a shoe lace.


Each time one of your 100 trillion cells divide and replicate, the new strand becomes shorter which causes the cell to age. By evaluating the Telomere length on white blood cells, we can assess biological age versus chronological age. The higher the score, the “younger” the cells are, and thus, the goal is to slow the loss of Telomere lengths.

Spring Cleaning Through Organic Acids

Last weekend, I needed to find some specific items in my garage. I soon became overwhelmed with all the stuff I had to pick through before I found what I was looking for!

Spring cleaning was more intense than I had anticipated. However, after organizing and “detoxing” this vital area, I began to appreciate the many functions of my garage! As I threw away the last bag of debris, I realized that our bodies also need a thorough review and cleansing. Many times, vague symptoms such as fatigue, apathy, muscle pain, insomnia, and irritable bowel issues need more than a quick fix. Antidepressants and laxatives may initially soothe our symptoms, but they don’t heal our bodies.

A better approach is to assess the situation by getting to the root cause. A unique test at Forum Health Knoxville measures energy production, metabolism, B vitamins, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, ability to detoxify, and markers for emotional and behavioral problems.

Breast Cancer: Avoiding The Diagnosis Through Prevention

Mammograms continue to be the mantra we hear every October during the annual Breast Cancer Awareness month. This screening tool may help identify cancer but it certainly doesn’t prevent breast cancer. At Forum Health Knoxville, every month is breast cancer awareness month as we are always looking at risk factors and working towards strengthening the body.

Cancer cells have three basic characteristics. They multiply more rapidly than normal cells; they are less differentiated (immature); and they don’t die (apoptosis) when they are supposed to. Many factors either contribute to or help prevent this horrific chain of events. Our goal at Forum Health Knoxville, is to uncover these factors before the mammogram reveals cancer.

Dr. John Lee describes in his book, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Breast Cancer,” risk factors that are not commonly discussed. We are vigilant to uncover all of these and more. Through testing, we can identify such risk factors as estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, elevated cortisol levels, and how your body metabolizes estrogen.

Furthermore, as a breast cancer survivor myself, I am dedicated to helping women avoid this diagnosis.

On Thursday, December 8, we will be offering thermogram screening. To schedule an appointment for the screening or for more information regarding true breast cancer prevention, call our office at (865) 675-9355.

Yeast – Not Just the Dough Boy’s Issue

The fall season conjures up images of pumpkin pies, hot biscuits, and steaming lattes. Sweet aromas from county fairs to Dollywood tempt even the staunchest convert from sugar! For those who struggle with a sugar addiction, this can be the start of another vicious cycle of weight gain, depression, muscle aches, indigestion, and fatigue.

One of the underlying complications that usually go undetected is the invasive spread of yeast in the body. Yeast is one of the billions of microorganisms normally found in the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, digestive tract, and genitals. Its growth is controlled by healthy bacteria, but an imbalance can wreak havoc on all the body’s systems.

One of the many culprits is an excessive sugar intake. Yeast feeds on sugar which sets off an intense craving for sugar. As a result, yeast can multiply and take over the body. A vicious cycle develops as yeast causes one to eat more carbs, the carbs fuel the growth and multiplication of yeast, and the growing colonies of yeast demand more sugar leading to increased stores of fat.

Reflections from Nan: Detox For Better Health

“I feel stupid, fat, and tired,” is a recurring theme with many of our new patients at Seasons. Many factors play a role in this syndrome.

One common but overlooked contributor is environmental toxins. A new study by the Environmental Working Group ( found over 48 toxic chemicals in women’s blood and urine. Besides toxic metals, chemicals such as pesticides, BPA, phthalates, etc. were discovered in large amounts.

Winter Blues or Something Else?

“Maybe I just have the winter blues,” she said. This statement leads the list of commonly heard complaints from patients who come to me seeking answers for their symptoms.

“Sarah” came to our office frustrated that all of her lab work showed normal levels of everything. “My thyroid levels weren’t even low,” she exclaimed hoping that low thyroid would explain her symptom list including fatigue, sleep disturbance, mild anxiety and depression, as well as brain fog. She even had a prescription for an antidepressant but was reluctant to fill it. “I hate the person I have become! Even my family has noticed a change in me. Can you help me?”

The Seasons Top Five: How to Pursue Wellness

Here are my top five suggestions for the pursuit of wellness.

1. Evaluate Your Diet. Do you make good food choices? Are you overweight? The latest statistics indicate that 58 million Americans are overweight, 40 million are obese, and 4 million are morbidly obese. The vast majority of illness is caused or complicated by being overweight.

2. Evaluate Your Activity. Do you exercise? Small choices add up to increased physical activity, So park further from the grocery store entry and WALK. Take the stairs. Stop working at the computer for 5 minutes and do 50 situps.

3. Have A Wellness Checkup at Seasons of Farragut. The Seasons approach to wellness is centered around balance and prevention. A few medical tests will reveal where your body is deficient. A wellness regimen tailored to YOUR body will relieve hot flashes, sleep difficulties, mood swings and even weight gain.

4. Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D. Studies indicate the importance of Vitamin D in disease prevention. The level of cold and flu increases in the winter largely due to the decrease of Vitamin D in our system. Medical research even suggests that Vitamin D is the BEST prevention for flu–even better than the vaccine. At Seasons, we evaluate your Vitamin D levels and offer medical-grade Vitamin D supplements in capsules, drops, and even injections, if needed.

5. Decrease Stress. Stress is the enemy. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Take time to smell the flowers. Find a de-stresser that works for you, whether it’s weekly Bible Study, a good book, or coloring with your kids.

“All I want for Christmas is a Healthy Telomere Length!”

One of the new aspects of optimal aging involves measuring the tiny fragments of DNA found at the end of each chromosome.  These caps called telomeres prevent the tips from fraying – much like the plastic tips on shoelaces prevent them from unraveling.  Each time a cell divides, the telomere shortens.  It’s like an internal […]